STM32F4 with Character LCD

Easy as PIE! Custom LCD Controller PCB 8 pins only! 6 DATA, 2 POWER Contrast control via POT

14 thoughts on “STM32F4 with Character LCD

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    1. Right now its pretty new in crossworks so very buggy! I have not tried other STM32s but this one seems cool. I do not like the fact that you have to select a max speed of the PORT, which i think is 50Mhz or something.. not sure.

      Also the naming of the registers suck really. I mean it might just me being used to PIC micros but come on… PIC has TRIS for direction, AVR i think has DDR, here its MODER… i assume MODE REGISTER… its a ugly term in my opinion.

      Also PORTx for PIC and AVR here its ODR which is only for output pins i think. Its truly different. Even on NXP LPC2000 series the PORTx equivalent is IOxPIN which makes more sense.

  1. Some how it lock my stm32f4 mcu, and I can’t program it again unless I reset mcu just before flashing new driver. I have no idea why it’s happening.with example programs I have no problems.
    and it don’t want to write to second line of the display. anyway, nice that you have it working 🙂

    1. That happens to me when i do something wrong… Step through your code and see what may have been wrong. Like if a PIN is output make sure its not shorting anywhere. I was making everything output and it would lock up like that. Make sure you change settings to the actual pins you will be using only.

  2. is it possible that you can make tutorial for LCD screen like 480×272 with SSD1963 controller, or ili9320 controlled 320×240?
    and what kind of tool chain do you use ?
    still no luck with Atollic,Same problem, but i guess that’s drivers fault, since i can reach with ST-Link utility, and can’t with atollic

  3. Hi,

    nice project. But I can’t find the tutorial. Please help me, please show me the link.

    Thank you very much

  4. Hi everyboby , did someone get this error mesage true the compiling the example code from this page ?

    RETURN TYPE OF FUNCTION “main” MUST BE ” int ” . please help …. 🙂

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